Within the life science industry, instrumentation should be kept on a regular calibration schedule to produce the most accurate data. Without routine calibration, equipment can drift which leaves room for potential error. Here are the top 4 benefits of joining an asset management program that can save you time and money when handling your calibration needs:
1. Eliminate the Hassel of Keeping a Calibration Schedule
Timing each instrument’s specific calibration schedule and keeping up with the reporting can cause a headache. It's imperative that your instrumentation stays within your desired range. To ensure your instruments are always performing accurately, establish a calibration schedule. The easiest way to keep a regular schedule in place is to participate in an asset management program. You simply leave all the scheduling and reporting to calibration services suppliers, allowing you to focus on your core business.
2. Reduce Unnecessary Paperwork
You no longer need the physical copies of your calibration paperwork; your instrument’s complete history can be accessed digitally. Customer portals can help you keep up with any recalls and support reverse traceability. Robust calibration asset management programs include online software that provides customers with quick and easy access to reports and receive updates about their instrumentation.
3. Remove the Need to Qualify Third Party Vendors
There are times when calibration providers need to expand their reach to better assist customers to seek out other labs and OEMs to handle their calibrations. When it’s necessary to use these outlets, it is mandatory that third party vendors and OEMs are fully vetted to meet the lab’s requirements. Most full asset calibration management programs audit all 3rd party vendors to ensure they meet the standards of a quality program, i.e., ISO 17025, so that you do not have to spend time and money on auditing labs that handle your calibrations.
4. Access to a Dedicated Account Manager
It can be stressful when you need to track down multiple people to get a single answer. Imagine having a single contact that can answer any question about your assets. Most full-service calibration asset management programs have a single account manager dedicated to effectively communicating with their customers.
Saving time and money are only a couple of benefits within a calibration program. At PCI our job is to ensure your equipment is compliant and to help you avoid the administrative burden by managing reporting and scheduling of all your assets for you. We make sure that our reports are uniform and consistent to better manage your calibration history which you can always access through our customer portal or by contacting your dedicated account manager. We offer a suite of 3rd party vendors that have been fully vetted and meet ISO standards so that you can save time and money auditing each calibration company your assets encounter. We want our customers to have the freedom to focus on their core business so that they can create lifesaving drugs or make the next big discovery in health care. We make sure your equipment is well documented, traceable to NIST standards, and ready to do its job!
TALK WITH AN EXPERTAre you ready to pass the torch to metrology experts and let them handle your calibration needs? Contact us to get started in our asset management program today! |